I'm writing briefly of one of the biggest events that ever happened here in Brazil: the U2 concert in Sao Paulo. Well, as I wrote in previous post, I should have gone there, but getting the tickets was almost impossible: we tried, tried for almost 2 months and finally gave up! Well, if I could only go back in time, I wouldn't have given up the chance to see the U2 for the world! Instead of being there and see Bono and his band in flesh, I watched everything on TV and every second ofd the show I bitterly regretted not having made an extra effort to go...well, this is the lesson I learnt: NEVER give up the things you want...and, specially, NEVER GIVE UP THE U2!
As I told you, I will write briefly...even because there is not much to comment on the show: it was FANTASTIC, WONDERFUL, GREAT! Actually the U2 had two concerts in the Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo: the first was on February 20th (monday) and the second on the 21st (tuesday). The one I saw on TV was the first, and the one I was supposed to go to was the second.
Well, since the show is simply indescribable, I will send you to some places so that you can have a look at (and die of envy):
1. some minutes of the first show. The video is not very good, but it gives the idea (a very poor one, actually, but better than nothing at all, right?)
2. Bono singing "Elevation". Again, the video quality is not high at all, but it's funny because at the beginning you can hear Bono saying in Portuguese "agora é a nossa vez", which means "Now it's our turn".
3. some photos (39) taken on the two days. Here the quality is pretty good and in the last photo you can see the woman that Bono called up to the stage. He sang "With or Without You" hugging her...it was sweet, but I hate that woman! Can you believe that when she left the stage she KISSED Bono on his lips? And she's not beautiful...and she's married... It should have been me!! (just kidding, of course!)
4. the list of the songs they sang on both days. This is a Brazilian blog, so everything's in Portuguese...but the guy who owns it promises to give a complete feedback on the show as soon as possible.
That's all for now...don't study too much, ok, guys?