It' s been ages, I know!! I feel terrible about it: I mean, when I was writing frequently, a few people read my posts...now that I don't write anything, I guess no one will ever have a look at this blog any more!! Anyway, I'm an optimistic spirit - at least sometimes - and I decided to share with you the emotion of this World Cup. So far, I haven't decided exactly what team I am going to support: Italy? Brazil? Japan? Croatia? Austalia? In Italy we have the handsome Cannavaro, in Brazil there's Kakà, in Japan there are all these little cute Japanese, in Croatia there are the Kovac - Robert and Niko - and in Australia there's Kewell.
Finally, I'm starting to see soccer from a new perspective - a much more girlish and interesting one. Before, I used to be interested only in the results: who won was everything that mattered! Who wants to waste time watching a 90 minute match with 22 men trying to catch the ball? Well, the ball is still as unintresting as it was before...but some of the men really catch our attention, don't they? Especially this trend of exchanging the t-shirt uniform at the end of the match...very, very interesting indeed! =P
Ok, my time is running out...I need to catch some sleep...
Who will win the Cup? What do you think?