Who am I? A very simple girl, actually. My name is Adriana, I'm 21 years old and I live in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Why am I starting a blog? Actually, I must say I wouldn't do it if I wasn't attending an online subject at university...but I'm actually loving it. I know, I know...how can I love something that I haven't even started yet? Well, I don't know, but it seems so interesting to share my life with everybody that wants to come and see it...talk about things I like and that others may like too...find Smashing Pumpkins fans all over the world...finda Sakura Card captor's fans too...
I'm sure that'll be nice! Beside, my blog will be in English, this meaning here is another chance I have to improve my skills in this language that I love and I'd love to speak and write properly!! Hope you guys will help me in this task...
Well, actually, to be completely honest with you, I have no idea of how a blog works...so I count on you for this too, ok?
Well, that's enough for now...I'll write more later...bye!!
Me gustó tu blog, ojalá puedas escribir en portugés, soy de Chile y también estoy tratando de hacer un blog.
Legolas!! I bet you are a Lord of the Ring fan, aren't you? I'm so glad you posted a comment in my blog!! It's the first time I deal with blogs and I wasn't sure I was doing it right...
Well, so you are from Chile! I'd love to go there some day...it must be beautiful! My parents went there and thwy always tell me fascinating stories about your country...
Ypu can tell me a bit more about you...who you are, what do you do, how you came across my blog and so on. Sadly, I'm not allowed to post anything in Portuguese because this material will be evaluated and graded, and for that it must be in English. You can post in Spanish, if you like...I've never studied it, but I will understand (or try to ;P).
Hope to hear from you soon and thanx 4 the comment!!
PS. Let me know when you start your blog:I'd like to visit it!
Hi darling! I loved your Blogg, it's very cute, as everything you do. keep on with the good work (as if there was any chance to you don't) and be sure I'll be always checking your Blogg.
Thanx :)
Love you...
I loved your blog! It's so collorful, bright and well done... Congratulations! Wow, now I feel like should write some inteligent stuff on mine.... :)
BTW, that German test SUCKED! He, he, he...
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