Hey guys!
This time I won't write much (I always say that, and then I got myself carried on by the stream of my thoughts...^.^ But this time is 4 real: in 15 minutes I have to be dressed up and out of the door!). What I wanted to say is that from now I won't be able to write my posts with the same frequency (gasp!) as I did in these past months. The fact is that...oh, my god...my classes are going to start soon :/. As you can see I'm not very happy...as you know, I work as a teacher, and "classes starting" for me sounds as "A LOT OF WORK to do", not only as a student, but also - and mainly - as a teacher...
Anyways, as they say here in Brazil, my vacations should finish "with a golden key", which in my case means a week-end trip to a countryside town (or should we say village?): "Macacos". Yes, the name of the city in English would be : "Monkeys"! Maybe in this occasion my boyfriend will be willing to take pictures and actually post them in his multiply album...who knows?
Well, I told you it was to be a short post, haven't I? It is too short a post...I will regret of ever posting it maybe...
Anyways, let me go to my recommendations: don't study too much! Enjoy your spare time! Go to the movies! Learn a foreign language...Elisa I envy you so much for learning Spanish! You know, you should meet Lele's sister-in-law: she's from Cuba and she's very nice!
TEST: How much do you know about movies and the weird translation of their titles in other languages? Test your knowledge and have fun!
Yeah.....I'll be the first!!!
It's great knew that you had a good time!!! now....work....a lot of!!!The worst part of the vacations is when they finish!!!
Macacos is awsome!!!Great place....great choice!!!
Fortunelly I could travel in this carnival season....I'm with a american friend and I took him to see how wonderfull are our lands...We went to Carrancas and we saw 1824391814 waterfalls...at least..hauhauhauhau...
I'm so sad because I'll not have more Italian classes at saturday morning! hehehehe....Now you have to be more patience with my mistakes in Italian!!!!
When Cris finally goes to Italy...We will do a party and you are already invited!!!
See you around!
Hi hun'! Well, at this point classes are already at full gas and we (I, at least) are running out of gas... :/
About Macacos, I hope it has been a golden key! And don't forget to tell that Macacos is not called like this, it's real name is São Sebastião das Águas Claras, or in English something like San Sebastian of the Clear Waters. Is this cool or what?
you've got mail... ^__^
Talking about learning a foreign language...Aurora is lucky: she will learn spanish from her mum, italian from her dad, veneto from her granpa&granma, and sure, irish from her uncle...and maybe the love 4 Guinness, who knows.. ;)
do you remember me? it's tiger. yeah, because it sucks telling people "hi, my name is raphaella", daih eu tenho q repetir 15 vezes, como se eles fossem conseguir pronunciar direito, e n final eles continuam falando errado como se estivessem falando certo. daih agora eu soh falo tiger mesmo. eles acham estranho ma tb naum me perguntam mais q uma vez e ainda conseguem falar. beijo.
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