Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Studying hard...or, at least, trying to...

Hello everybody!!

I'll just drop a few lines...just to let you know I'm still alive!! Yep, I survived...but I still have to face bigger problems!! My monograph paper!! I'm so late with my studies that I can see a lot of hard work is waiting for me...
Hope you don't give up on me!! I promise I'll write more about my experience and what is going on in my life blog used to be much more interesting when I started it!! Now I write just to say I'm busy...this modern life is quite hard to handle, huh?

Well...hope to write more soon...before X-mas!!
In the wishes to evreybody and best wishes to me (I really NEED them :D)


Anonymous said...

We're patient, don't worry...hehe! I'm waiting for an update! ;)
Btw, talking about exams..i've my 1st red cross step this evening...and tomorrow morning! Wish me luck!

adriana mendes said...

Good luck!! I'm sure you'll pass the exams with no problems at all! After all, you are getting used to exams, aren't you?
Wish you all the best! You sure deserve it!
bye :)

Anonymous said...

Done! I'm officially a member of Red Cross now...ehehhe...friday i'll start the second step..more interesting lessons about the human body, its problems and the way 4 resolving them..i'm curios cuz i'm not usual to do these things..the numbers and the graphs that i always manage are more quite, but less interesting..eheheh! ;)

Anonymous said...

Doh! In the previous post i forgot to insert the name...