However, once I was there I went to the Brazilian Market...I was about to buy a package of polvilho doce (sweet starch) and one of polvilho azedo (sour starch), so that I could make some paes de queijo following Nadir`s recipe. When I turned around, though, I saw Forno de Minas frozen Paes de Queijo (for those who don`t know, Forno de Minas are among the best paes de queijo), so I thought: why going through aaaallll the trouble of making Paes de Queijo if I can buy them ready? (ops...I guess the US are starting to have a bad influence on me :P). But I also wanted to eat a pao de queijo on the spot...and maybe drink a guarana' with it. As I was approaching the little cafeteria in the store, a customer asked for the last pao de queijo! Argh!! So, I decided to go to the other Brazilian store I know...and there I asked for two paes de queijo and a guarana'! I also could talk to the cashier, who was very nice and asked me all about my experience as an au pair.
While I was cheerfully talking to the cashier girl, another Brazilian girl that worked at the store popped into the conversation and she asked me if I was going back to Brazil. For as much as I realize how lucky I was with my stay in the US, I am 100% sure I don`t want to stay any longer. If I could study, of course, I would stay. But as an au pair, or a nanny, or a waitress, I don`t think so! I`m starting to get old...I have to start pursuing a career, and I see that staying here won`t get me going anywhere. The girl (from Governador Valadares) seemed to understand what I meant, but, still, she looked at me and said: when you go back to Brazil, you won`t get used to it any more and you`ll only think of a way to come back to the US. I`ve heard this many many times...and I`m sort of prepared for it. However, this time it was different: it really struck me. So, here I am, wondering about my future...About the Brazilian community in DC, I have to say it is huge!! Brazilians are everywhere, evrywhere, everywhere!! However, there are some spots that host a particularly high concentration of Portuguese-speaking people. One of these areas is Wheaton, in Silver Spring, where you have Brazilian markets and salons at every corner. Because of the many and many Brazilians living in the DC area, the Brazilian community is always promoting events that celebrate their culture. You can check out some of the events any time by visiting the embassy website. On Saturday, for example, there is going to be a Brazilian Music and Dance Festival, with brief lessons in Forro, Axe and Samba.
Those who know me also know what a terrible dancer I am, so I guess I`ll skip the Festival. However, there is something else I want to see from Brazil: a movie (surprise!). The original title is O Ano em que Meus Pais sairam de Ferias (The Year My Parents Went on Vacation) by director Cao Hamburger and I think it was one of the nominees for the Oscar this year. It is about a boy whose parents have to hide because of the military dictatorship. The boy, Mauro, has to stay at his grandfather`s house, who lives in a Jewish community. Mauro learns how to live with this new culture in those difficult and mysterious times.
Do u know u have to prepare "paes de queijo" 4 me the next time we will see? :P I'm curious to taste it...hehehe...
Well, some people told me that one time ur used to USA u can't come home too....but i saw my friend Marco that after one year of study and one year of work in the USA came back to Italy...and he was happy to return! ;) So don't worry so much.....
Well...I can always go to Wheaton and buy the frozen ones again :P By the way, paes de queijo is the plural...the singular would be pao de queijo
Yep, I might be too traditional or rooted to my origins, but the American life doesn`t really appeal to me so much...I think it won`t be so hard to leave the US.
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