catching up
Gosh! I was silent/absent for a while again and a lot of things happened. First of all, I went to Dinseyworld - Orlando. It was great, I loved getting to know it! It was really fun to see all of those things I had always dreamed of seeing when I was a kid. It was really nice to see Cinderella's castle, Disney characters all over the place, Epcot and everything else. I had a great time there! Soon after I came back from Disneyworld I went to take the TOEFL in Baltimore suburbs. That was a very looooong test with very loooong texts...but I did it, and after that I took a bus to Baltimore, I went to the Inner Harbor and then to Penn Station and took the train to DC. It was really nice and relaxing, but y the end of the day I was exhausted! On the way home I even went to Target :P Then there was July 4th. On this very important holiday I went with Luisa and Sebastian to see the fire works at the Mall. They were great! It was a wonderful show...definitely, the best fireworks I've ever seen (even though the Disneyworld ones were very nice too). On July 11th I got the results of the TOEFL and I found out I got 113/120. It is a nice score. As I knew it would happen, I lost most of my points in the speaking part. Also, I thought I would have done better in the writing (but I still lost a couple of points). Both the reading and listening went pretty well. Now I have to start looking for my master programme" Finally, on July 13 I went sightseeing in Philly with Luisa and Siri. It was a really nice day, we had lots of fun hugging Rocky's statue, running on the steps of the Museum of Art, cuing to take a picture with the Liberty Bell. The return trip wasn't so fun since we had to wait more than one hour for the bus (argh!). Ok, this was a brief summary of my last weeks...i'll keep u posted!
Congratulations on the TOEFL result!
I was on the Mall on the 4th too. I actually ran into some people I knew, but none of them was you.
wooow, I'm really impressed with your toefl score. Congratulations..
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