Ok, calm down! My intention is not to spoil any surprise for anybody! Really...I hate when people tell me things about books and movies, so my intention is to keep the secret... So, there's a part in the book which is very sad because...just kidding, just kidding!
Well...I have been silent for a few days, haven't I? and the reason is Harry Potter! I got my hands on the 6th book, finally, and this time my dream came true: I read the English version! I will not say it is better than the Portuguese one, but it is different to read it in English...it seems more magical, more close to JK Rowling and her world. Yeah, because, you know, of course JK Rowling based her book on the British culture, so... Well, the fact is that this 6th book is great! I'm saying that because I didn't like all the books, and I found especially the 5th one very boring: Harry was boring, the story was quite still: nothing exciting happened! When the 6th came out I wasn't very eager to read it, but when I got hold of it, I just couldn't stop reading! This is the Harry Potter I like! So, this is just a bit of an advertisement to "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince": read it and love it!
Well, since I was so busy reading the book and shopping for all those Xmas gifts, I really didn't have time to update my blog. Again, I don't know who I am apologizing to: maybe my imaginary reader? ok, just kidding (or maybe not)...
Let's focus: this post goes to Harry Potter! So, actually, I should talk about him/it! Well, we have the movies too, right? Here in Brazil the 4th has been released! Of course, I saw it! And this time I was very curious to see it, because...well, I personally didn't like the 1st and the 2nd, but I loved the 3rd...so I was curious: would be the 4th as good as the3rd? It turned out to be as good as or even better, so I was pleased and I walked out of the movies with the feeling that my money was well-spent. Which is good, isn't it? What about you, (imaginary) reader? Which movie did you like the best?
And what about the books? As I told you, I loved the 6th...but I still think the 3rd was the best book. Let me know your opinion, ok?
have you ever got a post from san francisco, california, babe? hahahaha!
am i an imaginary reader? all my life i thought i was pure fiction and now that i started to believe i was real you tell me i'm imaginary! how come?
Ok ok, eccoti un altro lettore immaginario!! In realtà ti sto scrivendo dall'aldilà, inferno,girone degli ingegneri,dove tutti siamo condannati ad avere un algoritmo da ottimizzare ke xò continua a funzionare in tempi esponenziali!! Ahaha!! ;P
Dai dai la smetto...senti,intanto grazie x nn aver svelato niente di Harry..hehe! E poi,oggi credo andrò a vedere il 4 film...ti saprò dire!
Visto anke il Calice di fuoco...bellissimooooo!! Davvero, il migliore dei 4,senza dubbio...anke x le presenze femminili! Insomma..Fleur mica è da buttare eh!;P
ciao adri... ho trovato questa pagina praticamente per caso cercando commenti su harry potter... e ho trovato te!!! non so se hai letto la mia ultima mail, che è arrivata moooooooooooolto dopo la tua... come stai? come va? probabilmente ad aprile sarò dalla tua stessa parte del mondo, in una nazione accanto alla tua... in venezuela! sono felice di aver trovato questa pagina, internet riserva moltissime sorprese!!!! un abbraccio forte forte dall'italia e spero tu abbia avuto un sereno natale... elisa
ops... scusa l'ho dato per scontato prima... sai è l'ora, sono ancora al lavoro e lascio questi messaggi in fretta... elisa zaramella
Elisa!!!! Dài, non ci posso credere che mi hai trovato il mio blog x puro caso!! E io che pensavo di avere lettori immaginari...hehehe! E così anche tu sei fan di Harry Potter..insomma, mi riservi un sacco di sorprese in un colpo solo!La tua mail...sì, credo di averla ricevuta e di averti risposto, no? comunque, ora che sono in vacanza, mi farò più viva, ok? Mi ha fatto proprio piacere trovarti qui :D bacioni
Emmanuele...sei sempre il solito!Basta solo che Hermione si metta in ghingheri e appaia quella Fleur, che già perdi la testa! Che cosa penserebbe la Sara se fosse venuta a vedere il film con te? tsk,tsk...Comunque, concordo, gli effetti speciali sono migliorati molto, mi sa che stanno investendo più soldi...ehehe!Cmq resta il fatto che mi è sembrato un po' troppo frammentato questo film...cmq, come ti ho già spiegato, credo che questo dipenda dal fatto che sono troppe cose in troppo poco tempo...
Mi raccomando, a capodanno, con l'alcool, eh?
No, of course you're not an imaginary reader...actually truth is I would have NEVER IMAGINED you reading my blog from San Francisco! I'm starting to feel important: "I'm read" in Bazil, Europe and USA! That's quite big, isn't it? How are things going over there? Hope to hear more from you!
Duuuuude... My chick is internationally read... cool...
Anyway, now I see I'm not the only one who spare some time in work to do, let's say, personal stuff. And about your readers, they can be everything but imaginary! I mean, you have a red haired friend in SF tring to live as a ilegal, another red haired friend in Italy who fights karate... just like Ross, you have another friend in Italy who found you while she was "working" and is coming to South America, and you have me who needs no introduction, after all everybody knows how great I am... :) So, wake up and smell tha coffe my sweet heart! You have concrete readers, and all around the world!
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