On holiday, at last! I couldn't stand this semester any more...but I can't complain much about it. The courses I attended at university were almost all great! My literature course was not as good as I expected, but I learned a lot from it too. My experience as Italian teacher was great! I'm not saying that everything was as good as I hoped it would be, but we always learn from our mistakes, don't we? I hope to learn from mine and keep on giving my best next semester. My private student...well, I have only one now and she gave me quite a lot of troubles. But her English and Italian are going well...she improved so much since when I started giving classes to her and I'm very proud of her. She keeps saying "I hate English", but I can see she doesn't mean it for real...! Of course, if she were more frequent, her improvement would be simply astonishing! Well, one big step in my semester was improving my computer skills...I hope I succeeded in my task...what would you say? Well, I do have a blog now, and a web narrative, and a webquest on the net, and a webpage (no recent updates, but the webpage is there)...
How did I spend my first "holiday hours"? Well, first I read the 4th manga of Fruits Basket (I told you I loved this manga, didn't I?)...I can't wait to read the 5th, but it's so expensive! Then, I checked all those fwd e-mails...hehehe...you know, I never read them because most of them finish like that "if you don't send this mail to at least 10 people, you will have bad luck for the rest of your life"...I really don't like these kind of messages! I only like those funny fwd messages. Why did I say all of this? Well, just to warn you: please, don't send me boring and annoying fwd messages: probably, I won't read them! hehehe ^.^ What else did I do? Well, I watched a little TV, I read an italian book, a very interesting one: "La donna della domenica". I didn't read it all, just a few chapters. This book is interesting but it's HUGE: 425 pages! It seems the endless story....hehehe. Ok, I'm being boring, aren't I? I'll keep you informed about my holidays later, ok? I hope to write more, and more interesting things in the next days...
PS. I know I never put any real photo of mine in this blog...but it's because I don't like photos, specially when I'm in them...^.^ Anyways, for those who'd like to see some photos, here is my boyfriend's multiply address: http://alzivi.multiply.com/. There's no much yet, but there will be more photos as soon as he finds time to put on the web...now he's too busy playing World of Warcraft...hehe ^.^
my love!!! Vacations hun! You (when I say you I mean we) coudn't see the time!!! now we will have time to do a lot of things... but as always we will do only half of them.. :)
Lv u!
World of Warcraft is evil! It steals way toooooo much time... but its so damn fun!
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