I know it's been ages, but things got a little complicated in my relationship with technology. Ok, now I think I managed to go through the crisis and I'm back here...
Well, first of all I have great news: I finally graduated!! Can you believe that? This means "university no more"? No...actually I will be back there in a couple of weeks! What is wrong with this place? You never manage to get over it, do you? However, studying will be good...I hope...it'll keep me young! LOL!
What else can I write? Well, my holidays are coming to an end, but I still get to enjoy a few more days. Now I'm working as a volunteer in a kindergarten close to my house. The experience is great: these little kids are so cute, funny and loving!! It's very gratifying.
I had a little trip in my holidays...I went to Espirito Santo and visited my dad who's living here now. Here you can find some pics of my trip.
Something else? Well...I don't think so...I can share some dreadful problems...just kidding!! No dreadul problems...just a dentistic one (isn't it pretty much the same?). My wisdom teeth are starting to show up and I'll have to remove them...will it be as painful as I'm thinking? I'm starting to shake of fear...
Well, I hope I'll get to write back soon!
Well, first of all I have great news: I finally graduated!! Can you believe that? This means "university no more"? No...actually I will be back there in a couple of weeks! What is wrong with this place? You never manage to get over it, do you? However, studying will be good...I hope...it'll keep me young! LOL!
What else can I write? Well, my holidays are coming to an end, but I still get to enjoy a few more days. Now I'm working as a volunteer in a kindergarten close to my house. The experience is great: these little kids are so cute, funny and loving!! It's very gratifying.
I had a little trip in my holidays...I went to Espirito Santo and visited my dad who's living here now. Here you can find some pics of my trip.
Something else? Well...I don't think so...I can share some dreadful problems...just kidding!! No dreadul problems...just a dentistic one (isn't it pretty much the same?). My wisdom teeth are starting to show up and I'll have to remove them...will it be as painful as I'm thinking? I'm starting to shake of fear...
Well, I hope I'll get to write back soon!
Adryyyy!! Finally you have updated your blog!! Yeah!! And... congratulation for your degree!!
When I'll have a minute of time I'll write to you.
Lo so, il mio inglese รจ da buttare, spero solo di non aver fatto brutte figure!^^'
Congratulations 4 ur degree Dry! Well..i've already done them to u some week ago, but i gladly do it again!;) The cool thing is that we graduated in the same day..in two different parts of the Earth...ehhehe!
Well, so your widsom teeth are going out...is this a sign? ;p
Just kidding...hope to see u soon!
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